"Summer Girl" is a song by American band Haim, released as a single on July 31, 2019. It premiered as Annie Mac's "Hottest Record" on BBC Radio 1. The song musically references "Walk on the Wild Side" by Lou Reed, who is credited as a songwriter.
In a post to social media on July 30, Danielle Haim revealed that the track started as a GarageBand demo on her phone. The lyrics were inspired by producer and Danielle Haim's boyfriend Ariel Rechtshaid's cancer diagnosis during the making of their second album, Something to Tell You; Haim said that during the band's time off from touring, she wanted to be Rechtshaid's "hope when he was feeling hopeless" and a "light that shined on him when he was feeling very dark", which led to her singing "I'm your summer girl" over the demo's bass line. She asked friend and musician Rostam Batmanglij for help, and he wrote a saxophone part for the song. The saxophone part was adapted from the 1969 song Sing Me a Song That I Know by Blodwyn Pig. After he and Haim thought the melody sounded like "Walk on the Wild Side" by Lou Reed, he added bass guitar effects that mimicked the sound of the track. Haim then brought the song to Rechtshaid, who added final effects to the song.