"Christmas Saves the Year" is a Christmas single written and recorded by American musical duo Twenty One Pilots. Released on December 8, 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic through Fueled by Ramen, "Christmas Saves the Year" expresses the idea that even in a turbulent year, optimism can still be found in Christmas.
"Christmas Saves the Year" was written and recorded in lead singer Tyler Joseph's home studio. Twenty One Pilots first debuted at the end of a Twitch stream in which lead singer Tyler Joseph played in the Chipotle Challenger Fortnite Series tournament to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, after having teased "a gift" for the viewers of the stream.
Immediately following the stream, the song and visualizer video were made available on music-streaming services, and a premiere for the video was put on YouTube. The video was directed and animated by Johnny Chew.