"Sick Boy" is a song by American electronic music duo the Chainsmokers. It was written by the Chainsmokers, Tony Ann and Emily Warren, with production handled by the Chainsmokers and Shaun Frank. The song was released by Disruptor Records and Columbia Records on January 17, 2018, as the lead single from the duo's second studio album of the same name.
On the first day of 2018, the Chainsmokers teased new material by revealing their new logo on social media. They captioned the post: "How many likes is my life worth?" On January 16, 2018, the song was promoted on a Spotify-branded billboard in Times Square, which reads: "How many likes is my life worth?" "Sick Boy" was described as "a song about self-identity in today's world and standing tall in the face of what you can and can't control" in press materials.