"Takeaway" is a song by American production duo The Chainsmokers and American EDM musician Illenium, featuring Canadian singer Lennon Stella. It was released as a single on July 24, 2019, along with its music video, serving as the fifth single from both artists' third studio albums World War Joy and Ascend, respectively. The single became The Chainsmokers' seventh, and both Illenium's and Stella's first, number one on Billboard's Dance/Mix Show Airplay Chart in November 2019.
The music video, directed by Jeremiah Davis and produced by That One Blond Kid Corp,[a] was uploaded to YouTube on July 24, 2019. The video was filmed in New York City at the Vessel, a massive staircase sculpture in the Hudson Yards development. The interactive art installation is the work of Thomas Heatherwick.